Home Visits

Bring the Legend of Santa Claus to your home this holiday season! Imagine for a moment that you are 6 years old. Now, think back to when you were out of school and at your house. It seems that Christmas will never get here and then the doorbell rings. Your parents tell you to go see who is at the door and as you open the door the Legend – Santa Claus is standing there in full suit, knows you by name and asks, “May I come in?” A personal visit with Santa can be arranged at your home. You can invite neighborhood friends or just have your own family present; it’s your choice. Think of the photos and the memories you will provide for your loved ones.
Santa comes prepared to tell stories about the North Pole, his reindeer, the elves and so much more. Before Santa leaves he will share the story of the old sleigh bells and leave for your family one of these magical bells as a keepsake that will be treasured always. Even you will believe again!
Don’t forget your cameras because these photos and memories will be something you will want to treasure forever. You will never be able to receive this kind of experience at a mall, so you will be an instant super hero with your family! Santa will provide information on how to prepare your home for a visit from Santa and how to make this an enjoyable experience for the whole family!
Home Visits are based on a 30-minute time frame, but additional time can be added. Talk to Dewayne about how much time he thinks you should allow for a home visit. Fees for these visits can be discussed by giving Santa Dewayne Reynolds a call or email him here .


The Premise: Wouldn’t it be great if on Christmas Eve, the parents, after hearing a noise wake up and quietly get the rest of the family up? They tip-toe through the house and then, from a secluded hiding place, they watch Santa put the presents under the tree, eat the cookies, drink the milk, read their Santa letters and anything else that is a tradition in their home. No one would dare talk to Santa because everyone knows that if Santa catches you watching him he will drop that small white feather he carries in his pouch and the household would fall back to sleep with no memory of seeing Santa. So the trick is just to watch and not get caught. I learned of this technique from the originators, Stephen and Deb Gillham, in Chapel Hill, NC. No other Santa is offering a Sneak-a-Peek service like this anywhere in Georgia!
Sneak-a-Peeks occur from 12:00 AM until 5:30 AM December 25th!
They are very limited so please contact us early at (334) 444-5467 to reserve your space and for pricing information.


What do we have to do to arrange a “Sneak-a-Peek” visit?

The most important thing is call us early. To do a proper “Sneak-a-Peek” requires a bit of preparation. It is a good idea to have at least seven or more days of lead-time before Christmas Eve. My Assistant and I need to come to your house and preview the arrangements for Christmas. Obviously the children can’t be at home when this happens. It typically takes about 30-45 minutes to explain the process and gather the needed information about your Christmas traditions. The dean of the oldest Santa School in the nation, Tom Valent, says “Children remember sitting on Santa’s lap for their lifetime so make sure it’s special.” Now imagine what we are talking about here. Your children will be watching Santa work in their own home putting out their presents. Talk about a memory…. So please take this seriously and call us as early as possible so we can preview the house. We will call and find out when to come by to prep for the big day!

 How old should my children be for a “Sneak-a-Peek”?

We only do a “Sneak-a-Peek” once for any family. After all, you would never catch Santa twice. Since this will be the one time your family has a visit like this we recommend that the children are 5 or older. We did a visit for a family with a 4 and 6 year old. The 6 year old thought it was incredible but the 4 year old had a little problem staying awake. Remember, these visits go on all night so waking up your children may be an issue… if they are too young. Now… how old should a child be? It really doesn’t matter. Sometimes we are in a home with a younger child who still believes and one who is past believing. The feedback that the parents share with us is that even the older children couldn’t believe what they were seeing. They were absolutely thrilled with the effect of Santa being in their home. What’s funny is the parents have told us that even though they knew who Santa was, they still felt the magic during the visit.

Corporate Events

There is nothing more uplifting during the Holiday season than to have the man himself, the Legend – Santa Claus, show up at your event. Just his appearance alone brings warm smiles, excitement and fond memories. It’s a way of saying “Thank You” and “Things are going to be all right”. We will be glad to work with you on having the Santa Show (a 30 minute “Magic of Christmas” with music and story telling) or just visiting with Santa.
Now is the time to book before the calendar is full. All commercial times have a one-hour minimum. To help you plan your event, allow 2-minutes per child for a photo and personal visit with Santa. 
After booking, additional information on working with Santa and your event will be available to you. I look forward to being a part of your team at this year’s Holiday celebration.

Country Clubs

The Holiday season is a special time for family and friends. How special for your members to share a visit with the Legend, “Santa Claus” and their children and grandchildren – a chance to make lasting memories as they sit on Santa’s lap, sharing their Christmas wishes and a photo. Or it could be a visit with Santa during breakfast, lunch or dinner as he goes from table to table.
Whatever the event, your members will love it! A special time at a special place – their Country Club. Let Dewayne Reynolds be your Santa this Holiday season. Call (334) 444-5467. Be sure to schedule Santa Dewayne Reynolds early before his calendar is full.


  • Tea with Santa
  • “Story Time with Santa” Programs
  • Employee Christmas Parties
  • Rewards Members “Thank You” Events
  • Santa Tuck in Service for your Guests
  • “The Smart Santa System”

One of the most often asked questions by children who are away from home during the Holidays is “How will Santa Claus find me?” This is a perfect opportunity for your hotel to offer a solution to your small guest’s concern. You can have Santa Dewyane Reynolds visit the hotel by hosting a visit with Santa in your lobby under the tree. Or on a more personal note, arrangements can be made for Santa to visit guest rooms. Call for details.

Towns / Municipalities

• City Employees Holiday Parties
• Parades / Special combination
• Parade and Santa Visit – Call
• Tree Lightings and Special Events
• Schools – Special Pricing – Call

Home Owner Associations

What better way is there to bring the families in your community together for the holidays than with Santa Claus! This year I would like to work with your homeowner’s association to make a visit with Santa Claus a fun, personal and truly enjoyable experience without any of the long lines associated with the traditional mall visit. I’ll bring my Throne, a professional backdrop, and music – a $500.00 value free; you provide the location and bring your cameras or have a professional photographer to take the individual and/or family pictures.
Let Dewayne Reynolds be your Santa this Christmas season. Call 334-444-5467. Book early before this is full.
For something really different check out “Story Time with Santa” or “The Smart Santa System!” These two options will put your HOA heads above the rest!

For the Ultimate Christmas Adventure, Santa Dewayne presents

During a 30-minute performance, Santa answers the many questions that children have been asking for years.

  • “How do reindeer fly?”
  • “What happens if we catch you in our house on Christmas Eve?”
  • “How did the reindeer get their names?”
  • “Is Bernard really the head Elf?”
  • “How do fairies help with Christmas?”
  • “What’s your favorite cookie?”

All of these questions and more are answered during “Story Time with Santa”.

You and your children will experience the wonder of Santa, discover the secrets of the North Pole, and may even feel the excitement of creating snow or collecting fairy dust from real fairies and more! Why, it’s possible, you might even get to see some of the toy prototypes that Santa and his Elves are currently working on. For a most memorable celebration, book “Story Time with Santa” today!

The Price for a “Story Time with Santa” Program is dependent on your event. Included within these fees is the use of props and a custom backdrop with a custom Santa Throne! These create a truly remarkable setting in your venue and your families!

PLEASE NOTE: Events on weekends in December are subject to a high fee structure.


Santa Claus Santa Claus Santa Claus Santa Claus 

Dewayne Reynolds
(334) 444-5467

Countdown to Christmas 2024






